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Intel IXDP425

1. Compiler Tool Chain

   Before you can compile the Linux kernel, libraries and applications to
   generate an IXP425 image you must install an appropriate compiler tool
   chain. I suggest you use the arm-linux tool chain that accompanies this
   source distribution (the arm-linux-tools-XXXXXXXX.tar.gz package). To
   install this toolchain do:

   1. login as root
   2. cd /
   3. tar xvzf arm-linux-tools-XXXXXXXX.tar.gz

   This package contains binaries of the following tools:


2. Building the Source

   Follow these simple steps to compile binary images ready to run on the
   Intel IXDP425 board:

   1.  tar xvzf uClinux-dist-XXXXXXXX.tar.gz
   2.  cd uClinux-dist
   3.  make xconfig

       . Choose the "Target Platform Selection" menu item
       . Select the "Vendor/Product" tab and choose "Intel/IXP425"
       . Select the "Libc version" tab and choose "Glibc"
       . "Save and Exit" this configuration

   4.  make dep
   5.  make

   That is it!  The final make step will run through and compile the Linux
   kernel, glibc library and a sample application set. It will also package
   the result into two files ready to load onto the IXDP425 board, zImage
   and ramdisk.gz.

   Most often linux-2.4.x and glibc are used on this target, but uClibc
   and linux-2.6.x are also supported on this board.

3. Loading and Running

   You will need an Intel IXDP425 board fitted with the RedBoot loader in
   flash. You should firstly setup RedBoot configuration with a client
   and server IP address (alternatively you can use the builtin DHCP

   Copy the binary files from uClinux-dist, images/zImage and
   images/ramdisk.gz to the TFTP area of the download server.

   To load and run Linux with RedBoot v1.92, issue the following commands:

        load -r -v -b 0x01600000 zImage
        load -r -v -b 0x00800000 ramdisk.gz
        go  -n 0x01600000

   To load and run Linux with RedBoot v2.0, issue the following commands:

        load -r -v -b 0x11600000 zImage
        load -r -v -b 0x10800000 ramdisk.gz
        go 0x11600000

   You should see the Linux boot banner, and then be presented with a
   bash shell prompt. A reasonable utility set is in place, mostly using
   the busybox tool set. By default the rc script will run a dhcp client,
   and so with a local dhcp server in place Linux will acquire an IP

4. Saving to Flash with RedBoot

   You can setup the flash memory from within RedBoot to directly load
   and run linux.

   The following procedure describes howto setup and load Linux into
   the flash:

     fis init
     load -r -v -b 0x01600000 zImage
     fis create -b 0x01600000 -l 0xb0000 zImage
     load -r -v -b 0x00800000 ramdisk.gz
     fis create -b 0x00800000 -l 0x1d0000 ramdisk

   Then create a boot script to automatically load and run:


        >> fis load -b 0x00800000 ramdisk
        >> fis load -b 0x01600000 zImage
        >> go -n 0x01600000
   Note: the go "-n" argument is used to halt the NPE's BEFORE control is
         passed to kernel loaded as the NPE's can be in use by RedBoot.

5. Customizing the Build

   Using "make xconfig" in uClinux-dist you can customize the kernel and
   application configurations. There is a large selection of packages in
   the application configuration.

   Consult the README file at the top level of uClinux-dist for some more
   information about configuration and building.

   Note also that uClinux-dist does not contain the Intel Access Library or
   Drivers patch. So only the external PCI EEPRO 10/100 ethernet board can
   be used by default, neither of the builtin ethernet ports are active.
   To build with the Intel AccessLibrary to get the ethernet support goto
   Rob Ranslam's sourceforge project site:

   The "uClinux on the IXDP425 and IXP400 Access Library v1.2.2 Integration
   HOWTO" provides instructions and a script to integrate the Access Library
   with uClinux. There is also general information un using the IXDP425 and